Concierge Physical Therapy/Wellness Coaching and COnsulting
For individuals looking to resolve pain, increase their functional mobility, and improve their overall quality of life. Recommended for those with chronic pain and those looking to reduce their risk for future injury. In-person and online sessions available.
Head/neck/jaw pain
Headaches and Migraines
Shoulder/elbow pain
Back pain (neck, thoracic, lumbar)
Leg pain (hip, knee, ankle, foot)
Herniated discs
Muscle Weakness
Muscle tears of injuries
Injury prevention
Regular wellness checks
Corporate Lunch n Learns
For business looking to improve the wellness of their staff through both active and passive learning modalities. Recommended to companies who recognize the importance of holistic health, employee satisfaction, and efficiency in the workplace.
Exercise programs
For individuals looking to get started/stay consistent with a program that’s tailored to heir needs. Recommended for those looking to sustain a workout program that is individualized for them, safe, and effective. Biweekly Skype/FaceTime sessions supplement this 12-week online program.